If you are wondering what is freelancing then you are at the right place. Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular owing to the many benefits it has. You don’t just get to work on your own terms but also from the comfort of your own space and time. A lot of professionals these days opt for freelancing. But now, coming to the most important question- what exactly is freelancing and what is a freelance job? If you are looking for freelancing meaning then keep reading.
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What is freelancing and what is a freelancer?
Well, a freelancer is basically a self-employed person who offers his services on a contract basis. A freelancer isn’t tied to any particular organization and can work for multiple companies at once. The freelancing work is usually short-term and the company and freelancer have a contract set for a certain period of time. A freelancer also charges rates either based on an hourly basis or depending upon the amount of work.
This nature of work enables a freelancer more freedom as he/ she can work from anywhere in the world and need not specifically do the work during the company’s work hours. The freelancer also does not need to comply with other rules and regulations set by the company. The only thing that matters here is that the freelancer completes the given task for the company within a stipulated period of time.
Thus, the work done by a freelancer is called ‘freelancing’. In other words, the freelancer is ‘freelancing’ with a company.
Freelancing is very common in the creative fields. Freelancing can only be done for tasks that can easily be done online and do not require you to be physically present at the company’s workspace. This makes copywriting, graphic designing, web designing, photography, branding, translation, data entry etc. common areas for freelancing.
This basically answers what is freelancing.
What is a freelance job?
When a company needs to to get a task done but does not need a permanent employee for the same, the company hires a freelancer. This kind of job is known as a ‘freelance job’.
Pros and cons of freelancing
There are many advantages of freelancing. However, it has certain disadvantages too. Let’s take a look at them both.
- Flexibility: Freelancing offers a lot of flexibility. You can basically choose when you want to work and where you want to work. Your work isn’t restricted to a certain geographical area and you can literally work from anywhere in the world.
- You are your own boss: You are basically your own boss and aren’t answerable to anyone. With freelancing, you get to choose which jobs you want to do and which ones you don’t. You also get to decide how much work you want to take up. You can control almost everything about your work.
- Variety of work: The variety of work you can do as a freelancer is immense. Your work isn’t just limited to one field and you can work across a variety of fields. This will ultimately give you a lot of exposure and experience.
- You learn a lot: Since you are on your own and doing everything yourself, you get to learn a lot from your work. ‘
- Stability: The stability in freelancing jobs is comparatively less. Some months of the year you will have a lot of work whereas you won’t have as much work during the other months. How much you get paid won’t also be fixed and will vary from month to month.
- Lesser Benefits: You also won’t get to enjoy all the benefits that a typical employee of an organization has. These benefits can include pension plans, insurance or other such similar perks.
Hope this has cleared your doubt of what is freelancing.
Who can become a freelancer?
Anyone can become a freelancer provided that they have the required skill set that freelancer jobs require. If you have expertise in content writing, designing, data entry, editing, proofreading, translation and other such similar fields then there is ample scope for you.
If, for some reason, you can’t leave your house and go to a workplace everyday, then freelancing is a great option for you as you can work from the comfort of your own house.
Freelancing is also a great idea for you if you love travelling and can’t be at an office everyday. You can easily freelance as you are on the go.
Now that we have taken a look at freelancing meaning, let us now see how you can become one.
How to become a freelancer?
Now that you know what is freelancing, here is how you can become one.
- Decide what you want to freelance in
The first step would obviously be to choose the area that you want to freelance in.
- Start finding work
Freelancing jobs aren’t just going to come to you on their own.You need to try hard and find work for yourself. Contact all your acquaintances and let them know that you have started freelancing. Don’t shy away from contacting people, even if it’s a lote. Start looking for work online and start applying to as many jobs as you think are suitable for you. You can also look for a freelancing platform as there are many of these available online.
- Work on your personal brand
Know that when you work for yourself, you are your own brand. Get yourself on all important social media platforms where you can advertise yourself as a brand. Use LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, Instagram etc. Try to get on every platform that is relevant to your industry.
- Do your research and pay attention to competitors
Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular and more and more people are opting for it. So, chances are that you have quite a lot of competitors. Pay attention to what they are doing and do complete research of the field you are freelancing in. Constantly keep working on how you can improve your services.
- Determine your price and find work
Decide what you are going to charge for your work. The way you can determine this price is depending upon your experience and your skill set. Don’t settle for any less that you deserve.
Over to You
Finally, you need to have some patience. Following these steps properly is sure to get you work.
In this article, I shared what is freelancing and how to become a freelancer with you. Hope it helps you on your journey of becoming one.
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- The Ultimate Guide of SEO for Startups
- What is Freelancing and How to Become a Freelancer?
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Mir is a British-educated Digital Marketing Expert with 10+ years of experience in the B2B, D2C, and eCommerce Industries. Having worked with 50+ startups and SMEs, he has a clear understanding of what it takes to establish growth on online platforms.
He is also the Founder of Kashmirica, a social impact brand that aims to take exclusives from Kashmir to the Global consumer. An enthusiastic cultural entrepreneur, Mir is driven by a passion to bring about a social impact.
An avid reader, he loves writing about marketing, and entrepreneurship.